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Read what other patients have said about us:

D, Bradenton

Compassion and best animal care in the state. Bill is professional and caring. The entire staff works as a team and compliments the entire practice.

June & Guinevere S., Fallon

We recently took our Guinea Pig to the Pinion Veterinary Hospital. We made the difficult decision to let him go. We are so appreciative of the kind and caring staff. Dr. Jackson took her time with us to help make this as comfortable as possible.

Robert R, Reno

Awesome place in a old fashioned caring Setting. Good to see places like this still exist! Thank you

dh, Reno

I had taken my "baby" to a different vet office and she continued to get so sick I had to take her to the ER, I then discovered Dr. Thomas and she is just wonderful and caring. I am so grateful for her patience with my "challenge to treat" little girl. Thank you so much!!

Andrea C, Reno

We have been taking our dogs to Pinion for years. We have had some difficult times with ill dogs and now have a dog with extreme separation anxiety and other issues. Through all of these events the staff at Pinion have been kind, caring, involved and knowledgeable. Sometimes we have to wait a little longer than I'd like for my appointment, but I know it is because the staff and veterinarians take all the time needed with each animal and animal parent and sometimes that means things can get a little backed up. We have moved since we started going to Pinion and now we have to drive a bit further for our vet visits, but the quality of care our dogs receive make it worth the drive.
