Summer is here along with it's hotter temperatures. Most of us know better than to leave our dog in a parked car on such hot days, but it seems we still hear about heartbreaking incidences. What would you do if you came upon an animal in a parked car on a blistering summer afternoon? Before you break a window, read on about what Washoe County Animal Services told us how to handle the situation.
We called Washoe County Animal Services to find out the proper steps to rescuing an animal left in a hot car. Sara, who has been an officer with the county for 3 1/2 years said, DO NOT BREAK THE WINDOW! You will be liable for all damages and could possibly have a lawsuit filed against you. The animal locked in the car will go home with the owner who will not face any consequences. No win, no win situation.
Sara advises to instead call Washoe County Animal Services Dispatch at (775)322-DOGS. Animals locked in a parked car on a summer day, regardless if the windows are cracked or not, are considered a top priority and an officer will be immediately called out. The animal control officer will then decide if the situation requires breaking into the vehicle. Don't remember Washoe County Animal Control's phone number or don't have time to look it up? Call 9-1-1.
Following these proper steps for rescuing an animal in a hot car ensures the owner will be held responsible for endangering the animal and you won't be liable for any damages caused during the incident.
Below is an infographic showing how the temperatures can soar inside a parked car.